Endovenous Laser Ablation By Triangel Laser 980nm 1470nm

What is endovenous laser ablation?

EVLA is a new method of treating varicose veins without surgery. Instead of tying and removing the abnormal vein,s they are heated by a laser. The heat kills the walls of the veins and the body then naturally absorbs the dead tissue and the abnormal veins are destroyed.

Is endovenous laser ablation worth it?

This varicose vein treatment is almost 100% effective, which is a huge improvement over traditional surgical solutions. It is the best treatment for varicose veins and underlying vein disease.

How long does it take to recover from endovenous laser ablation?

Because vein ablation is a minimally invasive procedure, recovery times are relatively short. That said, your body does need time to recover from the procedure. Most patients see a full recovery in about four weeks.

Is there a downside to vein ablation?

The primary side effects of vein ablation include mild redness, swelling, tenderness, and bruising around the treatment sites. Some patients also notice mild skin discoloration, and there's a small risk of nerve injuries because of the thermal energy

What are the restrictions after laser vein treatment?

It is possible to have pain from the treatment of larger veins for several days post-treatment. Tylenol and/or arnica are recommended for any discomfort. For best results, do not engage in vigorous aerobic activity such as running, hiking, or aerobic exercise for approximately 72 hours post-treatment.


Post time: Sep-20-2023