1470 Herniated Intervertebral Disc


A: The pldd (percutaneous laser disc decompression) is a not-surgical technique but truly minimal invasive interventional procedure for the treatment of a 70% of the disc hernia and 90% of the disc protrusions (these are small disc hernia that sometimes are very painful and do not respond to the most conservative therapies as pain killers, cortisonic and physical therapies and so on).


A: It uses local anesthesia, a tiny needle and a laser optical fiber. It is practicated into the operating room with the patient in the lateral position or prone (for lumbar disk) or supin (for cervical). Firstly the local anesthesia in an exact point of the back (if lumbar) or of the neck (if cervical) is done, then a tiny needle is inserted through the skin and muscles and this, under radiological control, reaches the center of the disc (called nucleus pulposus). At this point the laser optical fiber is inserted inside the tiny needle and i start to delivery the laser energy (heat) that vaporizes a very small amount of the nucleus pulposus. This determines a decrease of 50-60% of the intra discal pressure and therefore also the pressure that disc hernia or protrusion exercises on the nerve root (cause of pain).


A: Every pldd (i can also treat 2 disks at the same time) takes from 30 to 45 minutes and there is only one session .


A: If made in experienced hands the pain during the pldd is minimum and only for few seconds: it comes at the time when the needle cross the anulus fibrous of the disc (the most external part of the disc). The patient, who is always awake and collaborating, must be adviced at that time to avoid rapid and unexpected movement of the body which he / she could make in reaction at the same short pain. Many patients do not feel pain during all the procedure.


A: In 30% of cases the patient feels immediate improvement of pain that then improves further and gradually in the following 4 to 6 weeks. In 70% of cases often there are "up and down pain" with "old" and "new" pain in the following 4 – 6 weeks and a serious and reliable judgment on the success of pldd is given only after 6 weeks. When the success is positive, the improvements can continue up to 11 months after the procedure.

1470 Hemorrhoid

Which grade of haemorrhoids is suitable for Laser procedure?

A: 2.Laser is suitable for haemorrhoids from grade 2 to 4.

Can I pass motion after Laser Haemorrhoids Procedure?

A: 4.Yes, you could expect to pass gas and motion as usual after the procedure.

What shall I expect after Laser Haemorrhoids Procedure?

A: Post-operation swelling shall be expected. This is a normal phenomenon, due to heat generated by laser from inside of the haemorrhoid. Swelling is usually painless, and will subside after a few days. You might be given medication or Sitz-bath to help
in reducing the swelling, please do it as per instructions by the doctor/nurse.

How long do I need to lie down on bed for recovery?

A: No, you do not need to lie down for long for recovery purpose. You can perform daily activity as usual but keep it at minimal once you've discharged from hospital. Avoid doing any straining activity or exercise such as weight lifting and cycling within the first three weeks after the procedure.

Patients choosing this treatment will benefit from the following advantages

A: Minimal or no pain
Fast recovery
No open wounds
No tissue is being cut off
Patient can eat and drink the next day
Patient can expect to pass motion soon after surgery, and usually without pain
Accurate tissue reduction in the haemorrhoid nodes
Maximum preservation of continence
Best possible preservation of sphincter muscle and related structures such as anoderm and mucous membranes.

1470 Gynecology

Is the treatment painful?

A: The TRIANGELASER Laseev laser diode treatment for Cosmetic Gynaecology is a comfortable procedure. Being a non-ablative procedure, no superficial tissue is affected. This also means that there is no requirement for any special post-operative care.

How long is the treatment last?

A: For complete relief, it is advised that patient undergo 4 to 6 sessions in an interval of 15 to 21 days, where each session will be 15 to 30 minutes long. The LVR treatment consists of at least 4-6 sittings with a gap of 15-20 days with the complete vaginal rehabilitation completing in 2-3 months.

What is a LVR?

A: The LVR is a Vaginal Rejuvenation Laser Treatment. The Laser main implications include :
to correct/imporve stress urinary incontinence. Other symptoms to be treated include: vaginal dryness, burning, irritation, dryness and the sensation of pain and/oritching during sexual intercourse. In this treatment, a diode laser is used to emit an infrared light that penetrates the deeper tissues, without
altering the superficial tissue. The treatment is non-ablative, therefore absolutely safe. The resultis toned tissue and a thickening of the vaginal mucosa.

1470 Dental

Is laser dentistry painful?

A: Laser dentistry is a fast and effective method that uses heat and light to perform a wide variety of dental procedures. Most importantly, laser dentistry is virtually pain-free! A laser dental treatment works by honing an intense
beam of light energy to perform precise dental procedures.

What are the benefits of laser dentistry?

A: ❋ A faster healing time.
❋ Less post-surgical bleeding.
❋ Less pain.
❋ Anesthesia may not be necessary.
❋ Lasers are sterile, which means there is less chance for an infection.
❋ Lasers are extremely precise, so less healthy tissue has to be removed

1470 Varicose Veins

What is the procedure of the EVLT operation?

A: After your scan your leg will be cleaned before a tiny amount of anaesthetic is applied (using super fine needles). A catherer is
inserted into the vein and the Endovenous Laser fibre is inserted. After this a cool anaesthetic is then applied around your vein
to protect surrounding tissues. You will then be required to wear goggles before the laser machine is switched on. During the
procedure the laser will be pulled back to seal the faulty vein. Rarely will patients experience any discomfort when the laser is
being used. After the procedure you will be required to wear stockings for 5-7 days and walk half an hour a day. Long distance
travel is not permitted for 4 weeks. Your leg may feel numb for six hours after the procedure. A follow-up appointment is required
for all patients. At this appointment further treatment may occur with ultrasound guided sclerotherapy.